Add Your Chat
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Once you have completed registering your bot token with the Modr8 AI platform you can now activate a chat for your bot to manage.
Modr8 AI bots can monitor any number of chats in real-time all at the same time. There's no need to make multiple bots if you do not want to!
To ensure the correct chats are registered to Modr8 and you do not have random users spamming your bot in channels/chats you do not know about we require you, the bot owner to add your bot to a chat or to execute a /activate command in a chat you wish to register.
Read on to find out the exact steps of getting your chat registered with Modr8 AI.
The quickest way to get a chat connected to the platform and protected by Modr8 AI is to follow these steps:.
Login to the Modr8 AI platform
Click "Manage"
on the bot profile card
Under "Protect Your First Chat.." click the "Add A Chat"
You will be redirected to your Telegram client, where you can select the chat to add your bot to
Select a chat to add your bot as admin
Your bot will be invited into the chat and respond with a message to say it has been activated.
If your bot is already part of a chat as an administrator you can type /activate
in the group for it to be linked to our platform.
If you don't want to auto-activate using the quick button clicks as instructed above, you can always manually add your bot to your chat and activate it.
First we need to add your bot as an admin to your chat, if you have already done this then you can skip to the next section. If you bot is not an administrator of your chat it is unable to moderate and in most cases it will be unresponsive due to not being able to read messages in your chat due to Telegram privacy settings.
On telegram, In your group select the title of the chat in the main window which will open up the group information page
If using desktop, select the 3 dots symbol first to bring up the "Edit group" page. If using mobile you will normally have this page already opened for you.
Select "Administrators"
On mobile select "Add Admin" and click the Magnifying glass icon. On desktop select the "Add Administrator" button at the bottom of the pop-up.
Type the username of your bot including the @ symbol e.g. @MySuperCoolBot
Select your bot from the search list - if on desktop you may need to confirm that you wish to add them to the group and make them an admin.
The "What can this admin do / Admin rights" page will pop-up. You will need to set as a minimum the following permissions for your bot to work correctly:
Delete messages - To delete spam messages and clean up its own messages
Ban users - To kick and ban users at a chat / global level
Invite users via link - To allow the referral module to work
Pin messages - To allow /pin & /unpin commands to work
Add new admins - To allow the /promote /demote commands to work.
Your bot will now be an admin of your chat and can read messages being sent to it.
Navigate to the chat you wish to add to the platform
Ensure your bot is an administrator
Type /activate
in the chat
Your bot will respond with a message to say it has been activated.
Click "Save" on desktop and the mark on mobile.