Adding Knowledge
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Often communities are full of questions that require moderators and admins to answer after some time. Wouldn't it be better if there was an AI bot that allowed them to ask questions against your pre-defined knowledge articles so that they can instantly get answers?!... Well thankfully your powered bot can do just that! allows you to upload knowledge from various sources such as plain text, websites, PDFs and Git Book. Armed with this knowledge your AI bot can respond based on customised trigger words and commands you provide. The following sections will describe getting knowledge loaded into your bot. For full options and advanced usage you can check out our dedicated Knowledge Management docs.
Turning on knowledge management requires a simple toggle change and then for you to upload knowledge articles. To turn the module on complete the following steps:
Login to the Modr8 AI platform
Click "Manage"
on the bot profile card
Find the Chat you wish to turn knowledge management on for and click the "Knowledge"
You will be redirected to the knowledge configuration page.
Click the toggle button beside "Knowledge Enabled"
item on the Bot Configuration card to turn the module on.
Now you have enabled the module, your bot will begin to respond to general knowledge questions when users execute the /ask command in your chat, for example: "/ask write me a poem about dogs"
To ensure questions related to your business or community are relevant your bot can be trained on your documentation and resources. When a user asks a question we will look for answers based on this from the information you have provided. We leave it up to the bot to decipher the complexities and respond to the user with the most relevant answer in a structured way.
The following section will explain how to train your bot on web content, whilst the process is the same for each type of content if you want to find out more in-depth information check out our Knowledge Management documentation.
Login to the Modr8 AI platform
Click "Manage"
on the bot profile card
Find the Chat you wish to turn knowledge management on for and click the "Knowledge"
You will be redirected to the knowledge configuration page.
Select "Knowledge Management" from the knowledge menu
Scroll down to the card titled "Upload Bot Knowledge"
and select "Upload Webpage"
Enter a web address such as
State whether you wish to upload sub-pages by toggling "Upload Sub Pages"
. This means do you want to allow us to go into web-links listed on the page up to a depth of 3 pages.
Click the "Start Training!"
Once you have started training your bot on custom knowledge you will be able to track it's progress and also remove any obsolete knowledge you no longer require.
To remove knowledge from the bot simply click the red trash can/bin item on the right hand side of the row.
Now your bot has been trained on fresh knowledge you will want to allow your users to ask questions about it!
By default, they are able to use the /ask command in chat whenever the knowledge module is turned on. An example of it's usage is shown in the screenshots below.
Further to this, you are able to set your own commands or trigger words. To add these simply follow these steps:
Login to the Modr8 AI platform
Click "Manage"
on the bot profile card
Find the Chat you wish to turn knowledge management on for and click the "Knowledge"
You will be redirected to the knowledge configuration page.
Scroll down to the "Bot Configuration"
section and observe the "Additional Triggers"
Add new triggers i.e. !q or !ask by entering the trigger and hitting Enter/Return on your keyboard
The new trigger will be listed as a tag below the input
Remove triggers at any time by clicking the X
on the tag
You do not need to have a qualifier such as / or ! in your tag, you can use any words you want i.e. "how"
or "@YourbotUsername"